BTNC v2.00 4D BinkleyTerm/ST Nodelist Compiler by Daniel Roesen FidoNet 2:2454/95.2 NeST 90:400/602 and Olivier Booklage FidoNet 2:320/107.10 AtariNet 51:901/1.10 NeST 90:800/1.10 ********************************************************************* What's all this about? ====================== After many times feeling angry about the version 6 nodelist format (3D), the slow processing by ParseList and the thousands of utilitys needed for running a multi-domain system and the 24000 pointlist, I decided to write a new nodelist processor. The result is BTNC. The advantages of BTNC: - Full 5D nodelist - VERY fast - only 3 files for the output nodelist, no matter how many domains you use - no need for PR24USER.TTP anymore - nearly all nodelist flags are parsed - all sysops are now included in one file (FIDOUSER.LST) - able to include FrontDoor-style pointlists (see example 95point.pvt) Notes ===== The dial translation must be done by BinkleyTerm/ST with the 'Dial' table. This saves much time when processing the nodelist. To use the BTNC nodelist (also refered as 'BNL format nodelist') should be used by BinkleyTerm/ST, you must set 'BTNC' in BINKLEY.CFG The Configuration File ====================== Before running BTNC.TOS you must edit NODELIST.CFG for your own requirements. Following a list of all statements in the configuration file: Domain [] ---------------------------------- Designates domains to be compiled. is the name of the domain, i.e. for FidoNet or nest.ftn for NeST. See BinkleyTerm/ST manual. is the filename without extension of the nodelist file for this domain. If is specified, only zone is included in the output files. Pointlist -------------------------------- Adds a FrontDoor format pointlist to . is the complete filename of the list. An example is included as 95POINT.PVT, the pointlist of my boss. Example: Pointlist 95point.pvt 2:243/95 Addlist : ---------------------------------- Adds a 3D pointlist like POINTS24 or N_POINTS.GER to zone and region . Example: Addlist points24.* 2:24 MakeUserlist ------------ Tells BTNC to create a userlist of all systems processed called FIDOUSER.LST. Points (also from POINTS24 list) are included in this list, too. Statistics ---------- Lets BTNC show a statistic about the createt output nodelist. Display ------- Switches screen outputs on. If turned off (default), BTNC is a little bit faster. Troubleshooting =============== If you have problems using BTNC, feel free to contact me at the addresses mentioned at the top of this text. Program status ============== This program is freeware. You are allowed to copy it to others and make the complete archive available on BBS systems. Selling this program or distributing it on public domain disks is NOT allowed. Update to version 1.40 ====================== - More checking for illegal lines in the raw nodelists. - Down nodes are also written into the compiled nodelist. - Bug fixed which causes wrong entries in the compiled nodelist for independent nodes in a region when using the AddList statement for this region. Update to version 1.50 ====================== - Fixed parsing of german points24 list. The format of this list has changed and caused funny entries written into fidouser.lst Update to version 1.60 ====================== - To avoid problems when compiling a new nodelist in multitasking environments (Semper may access NODEINFO.BNL) the nodelist was first compiled into NODEINFO.TMP. After successfull compiling, NODEINFO.BNL was replaced by NODEINFO.TMP. Attention: This requires temporarily the harddisk space for two BNL files. - Support for the Semper "ReRead NodelistIndex" message. The message was send after renaming the NODEINFO.TMP to NODEINFO.BNL. In addition a file called READNIDX.SYS was created in the Semper system directory. - Support for the following nodelist flags added: H14, H16, ZYX, Z19, V32T, V34, VFC, ISDNA, ISDNB and ISDNC. Maybe future versions of Semper include special dial translations according to the nodelist flags. Update to version 1.70 ====================== - No implicit addition of nodelist flags. Former versions of BTNC automatically adds for example V32B,V32 if the ZYX flag was set. Update to version 1.80 ====================== - Flags like U,V32T,ISDNA were not recognized properly. - Unpublished phone numbers of private nodes are now replaced by the nearest Hub, Host number. Attention: In the case that you've defined a password protected session with the called Hub, Host of the private node, your system will recieve a password error. This feature is necessary if your mailprocessor doesn't route crashmails to private nodes automatically to their hub. Update to version 1.86 ====================== - Parsing of new ISDN nodelist flags X75, V110L and V110H implemented Update to version 2.00 4D ========================= Many thanks to Olivier for implementing parsing of 4D style nodelists. Please read the following text carefully. Why this version ? ================== We see that most of the PointLists produce right now are in 4D, so those version of BTNC offers to compile that kind of Lists. Modifications done ================== 1/ Addlist 4D ---------- You just have to indicate inside the nodelist.cfg file that the Addlist is in 4D putting a '4d' indication after the address. e.g. of nodelist.cfg : Domain nodelist 2 Addlist plistr32.* 2:32 4d MakeUserlist Statistics Display The 4D lists are defined like that : Region,32,France,F,Philippe_Feuerstein,33-75676164,9600,CM,XA,H16,V34,V32T,VFC Host,320,Net_Paris_Host_NEC,Paris,Evaldas_Auryla,33-1-45696431,9600,CM,XA,V32B,V42B,VFC Hub,100,Paris_East_Hub,Dammartin_en_Goele,Eric_Delord,33-1-45845623,9600,CM,XX,V34,H16,V32T,VFC ,107,320/107,Paris,Herve_Piedvache,33-1-42511135,9600,CM,XA,V32B,VFC Point,5,Power_With_Fun_:_Falcon_030,La_Baule_France,Philippe_Riguidel,-Unpublished-,9600,CM,XA,V34,V42B Point,7,The_Bazdash_Vool,Villecroze_France,Gilles_Picard,-Unpublished-,9600,CM,XA,V34,V42B Point,9,Delphine_Soft,Villeneuve_Saint_Georges_France,Fabrice_Rodet,-Unpublished-,9600,CM,XA,V34,V42B Point,10,Froggys_love_Atari_too_!,Boulogne_Billancourt_France,Olivier_Booklage,-Unpublished-,9600,CM,XA,V34,V42B Point,12,Arrakis_BBS,Evry_France,Arnaud_Pignard,-Unpublished-,-Unpublished-,9600,CM,XA,V34,V42B Point,14,Waiting_for_the_Milan...,Boulogne-Billancourt_France,Antoine_Calando,-Unpublished-,9600,CM,XA,V34,V42B Point,15,Point's_TheBBS,Meylan_France,Christian_Marillat,-Unpublished-,9600,CM,XA,V34,V42B Point,16,TheBBS_Point_That's_all_!,Fondettes_France,Christophe_Boyanique,-Unpublished-,9600,CM,XA,V34,V42B Hub,200,Paris_Sud_Ouest_HUB,Plaisir,Jean-Philippe_Luiggi,33-1-30555221,9600,CM,XA,V32B,V42B Nota : 'Point' and 'Pvt' are accepted. 2/ Addlist 3D New German format ---------------------------- The new German 3D PointList is defined as the POINTS24. file. To use those lists you have to indicate 'Nf' like in this example : Domain nest.ftn nestlist Addlist nestpr08.* 90:8 Nf 3/ 'LogFile' Command ------------------ Everyone asked for it ... now you get it ... a LogFile command which offer to know what exactly have been done by BTNC inside a file. To use this function, this is an example file : Logfile c:\btnc.log Domain nodelist 2 Addlist plistr32.* 2:32 4d MakeUserlist Statistics Display So all the screen actions are saved inside the file called c:\btnc.log. The name of the file must be lower than 127 characters. 4/ Error sound advertisment ------------------------ When BTNC find a writing file error, for example when the file is full, you can hear during 10 sec an alarm to inform you about the problem, then BTNC is quit. 5/ Error during reading -------------------- In this version of BTNC, and otherwise of the original version, now when BTNC get a mistake during reading file there is no bomb but an error message to inform you about the problem ! Informations ============ Fidouser.lst : ------------ Only the privates points from a nodelist, the points from a new German 3D pointlist and from a 4D pointlist are added inside the fidouser.lst. The points from a classical 3D pointlist, are compiled but never appear inside this list. Nodelist.cfg : ------------ I have seen that BNTC do not like tabulations inside this file, so you must replace then by real space ! Update ====== -V1.1 Now correctly compile Pvt from Nodelist -V1.2 The 4D detection is now done with a '4d' indication after the address ("Addlist fichier.* zone:region 4d"). Stay compatible with the orginal version 1.86 of BTNC, known new German 3D PointList like POINTS24 or N_POINTS.GER. -V1.3 New command 'logfile' inside nodelist.cfg to know exactly what have been done by BTNC. -V1.4 Points from a 4D PointList are now added to the fidouser.lst file. -V1.5 Logile look is better now. Add verification during reading/writing with alarm and messages, but no bomb ! -V1.6 Big bug from the original version corrected if none nodelist found ! -V1.7 Bug corrected with user name in several parts inside the fidouser.lst. E.g.: Win_Van_Sebroeck (2:292/875) : 'Van, Win 2:292/875', will be 'Van Sebroeck, Win 2:292/875' -V1.8 First official version sent to the author Daniel Roesen in waiting for approbation of BNTC 4D :) Beta-Tests have been done by : ============================== Herv‚ Piedvache 2:320/ Pascal Ricard 2:320/ Dorian Darcourt 2:320/ Thanks to them ! Bugs : ==== The 'Logfile' command must be put at the beginning of the nodelist.cfg file. If you find other things or if you have any ideas for getting BTNC better, just write me : Olivier Booklage FidoNet 2:320/107.10 AtariNet 51:901/1.10 NeST 90:800/1.10